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Regenerative Family Farm in Vermont
Studio Hill Farm
Studio Hill Farm
Regenerative Family Farm in Vermont
Studio Hill is stewarded by carbon farmers who are the fourth generation to call this farm home. They practice regenerative agriculture to produce healthy soil, animals, and food. They sell pasture-raised regenerative meat and other goods including honey and sheepskins. There's a renovated schoolhouse on the property that welcomes visitors who are interested in the regenerative farm experience and exploring this area of south-west Vermont.
Soil Centric's Pro Tip
The McDougalls are currently writing "the Studio Hill Guides to Ecosystem Restoration through Regenerative Agriculture," a book series for non-farmers, the general shopping public, financiers and other decision-makers based on this philosophy: "Learn from the mistakes of others. You don't have time to make them all yourself." They've set up a Patreon page where you can donate monthly to help make the book series happen.
External Links
Studio Hill Farm on Airbnb →