We're here to grow the Regenerative Movement

About Us

Our Misson

Soil Centric works across generations to help people with varying backgrounds and skills uncover their path to regenerative agriculture and ecosystem restoration. By connecting our community to the opportunities and resources that are appropriate for their context, we give them agency to see themselves as vital actors who are needed to implement nature-based climate solutions.

Our Theory of Change

We know that people want to take climate-action and are looking for ways to help. We also know that facts don't change people's minds but stories do. At Soil Centric we look for opportunities to heal the earth via regenerative agriculture and ecosystem restoration, and connect you with them. And, we tell stories of regular people who have found their path to regeneration so that you can find yours.

We illuminate opportunities, resources, and pathways for widespread participation in the creation of a resilient and abundant future. The Earth is able to heal herself if we stop harming her and create the conditions for regeneration to come into being. No matter your background or skill set our goal is to get you launched on your path to regeneration.

Our Team

Soil Centric's team has extensive knowledge of the soil and climate landscape, a proven record of bridging disparate sectors, and a demonstrated ability to forecast trends. As an intergenerational team, we have active relationships across the globe with farmers, ranchers, nonprofit organizations, and non-traditional partners.

Diana Donlon

Diana Donlon is Co-Founder and Executive Director of Soil Centric. A soil and climate advocate, she has a proven history of creating widespread awareness about the importance of healthy soil to climate stability at the local, national and international level. Prior to founding Soil Centric, Diana was the director of the Center for Food Safety' Soil Solution's program. Soil Solutions to Climate Problems, a short film she conceived of and produced, was screened during the Paris Climate Conference (COP21) in December 2015. The piece created an aesthetic that has been widely emulated, and its animated footage has been incorporated into several films including "Evolution of Organic" and "Kiss the Ground." Diana is a skilled public speaker, excels at identifying trends, and brings a depth of social and intellectual capital to the soil and climate movement. She experiences the power of regeneration every day working in her orchard.

Kyle Lawson

Kyle Lawson is Co-Founder and Technical and Creative Director of Soil Centric. He was previously Director of Design and Marketing at Sight Machine, a manufacturing analytics platform. His life changed when he read Kristin Ohlson’s book The Soil Will Save Us and decided he had to get involved in regeneration. As a millennial deeply concerned about climate, he has first-hand knowledge of the need for Soil Centric’s Pathfinder Tool. Kyle now holds his Basic Level 1 certification in sheep shearing and is actively testing other regenerative resources on the Pathfinder. In addition to Soil Centric, he is a member of Sunrise Movement's SF Bay Area Hub and 10th Floor Studios, a group focused on regenerative conceptual product design and art installations.