Getting the Most Out of Soil Centric’s App

By Katrina Little

Soil Centric recently partnered with Regenerative Rising for the Women Leading Regeneration Summit, a remote conference attended by key decision makers, business owners, writers, farmers, stewards, and grassroots influencers focused on emphasizing women in the regenerative movement. During this three day summit, we showcased the most exciting features of the Soil Centric App. We have adapted our presentation to share some ideas for how to get the most out of our web app. So without further ado…

App Tutorial

Are you:

  1. Looking for apprenticeship opportunities?

  2. Interested in regeneration and want to learn more?

  3. Seeking inspirational role models?

  4. Hoping to support local organizations?

Follow along with these 4 pathways. Launch the app here:

1. I am looking for apprenticeship opportunities:

Scroll through Fresh Opportunities on the Home Page. These are all the most current and upcoming opportunities listed on our database and are updated regularly! (I’m using the New Cowgirl Camp as my example)

Explore Organizations on the Search Page. Each Organization has its associated Opportunities and Resources listed on its Profile. (Example: White Oak Pastures)

2. I am interested in regeneration and want to learn more:

Type the term “Class” in the Global Search Bar on the Search Page. If you are unsure what to search, all of our search terms are surfaced on the Search Page. (Example: The Capital Institute Course)

Type the term “Free” in the Global Search Bar on the Search Page. This will bring up any free course. (Example: Oregon State University Course)

Explore the Glossary of Regeneration to learn more about regenerative land management practices and the organizations putting them into practice. (For instance Term: Agroforestry and Organization: Propagate Ventures)

Explore Resources on the Search Page. Here you can find some incredible resources. Example the Tools category. (My personal favorite is the: Native Plant Finder)

3. I am seeking inspirational role models:

Scroll through Guides on the Home Page or Search Page. These resource lists are curated by the folks well on their path to regeneration and the team at Soil Centric (Example: Kelsey Ducheneaux-Scott)

Type the term “Women Led” in the Global Search Bar on the Search Page. This will bring up those same guides but also other amazing resources and businesses created and led by women! (Example book: Healing Grounds)

4. I’d like to support regional regenerative businesses:

Double tap the Location Button on the Map Page.

Filter by the term “Buy Regenerative” on the Map Page. (Example: Essex Farm CSA)

We hope that this helps shine a light on the various ways you might use our web app to find your own path to regeneration! If you have any questions or a story to tell, drop us a line here!

Help grow the regenerative community by sharing our app ( with your friends and family!

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