Learn More About Regenerative Agriculture While Stuck at Home

By Piper Atkinson, Soil Centric Intern

Are you finding yourself bored at home? Do you have extra time and don’t know what to do with it?  As a recent high school graduate who is new to regenerative agriculture, I have found these resources helpful because they have both informed and inspired me. Now is the perfect time to delve deeper into learning about regeneration and its amazing potential!

Alan Savory's TED Talk "How to green the world's deserts and reverse climate change” - video 

This video is an excellent place to start learning about regenerative agriculture. Climate change can be a scary topic, but I finished watching feeling enlightened and hopeful. So hopeful in fact that I immediately shared the good news with my teachers and friends! That is why this now legendary TED Talk is first on my list. 

After you watch Savory’s TED Talk and learn what is possible, be sure to watch The Story of Al Baydha: A Regenerative Agriculture in the Saudi Desert. In it, Neal Spackman shows us how he worked with settled nomads to regenerate desert in one of the world’s most desertified regions! 

He points out that “humans aren’t destructive by nature, but by habit,” leaving on a hopeful note that humans can have a positive influence on the land. 

Regenerative Agriculture: A Solution to Climate Change - video

In this concise explanation of regenerative agriculture the thinker Charles Eisenstein outlines the conditions we need to create for regenerative agriculture to scale. Spoiler alert, we’ll need a lot more people actively tending the land and that is where we come in!

Ariel Greenwood on Being a Young Female Farmer - video

In this short video interview, Greenwood, an experienced grazier dedicated to regenerating grasslands, speaks about her experience as a young female working on the land. It is compelling to see someone who is so talented reflect on the need for endurance and brains in her chosen profession.

Investing in Regenerative Agriculture - podcast

In this podcast, Koen van Seijen talks to experienced people in regenerative agriculture to gain insight into the question “[how to] put our money to work to regenerate soil, people, local communities and ecosystems while making an appropriate and fair return.” This is the perfect way to gain insight into the finances of regeneration while driving or doing chores around the house. 

You can listen on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you listen to podcasts.

Drawdown - book

Published in 2017, bestselling book, Drawdown, has a wide range of information on climate solutions. Regeneration is one of those solutions, but it covers many more. I finished this book feeling shocked yet motivated. Shocked, because it so blatantly pointed out that the main obstacle to climate progress is a lack of government action. And, motivated because there are so many viable solutions - including regeneration!

This is just my list. We’re sure you will have many other resources that resonate with you personally and we would love to hear what they are! Be sure to check back on Soil Centric Pathfinder Tool as we’ll be adding more resources in the coming months.

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